Sunday, February 23, 2025

Dive at Kudahrah Thila, my post retirement dive # 815, the first dive on February 12, 2025

The boat's schedule for the next day was posted every evening. Below is the schedule for February 12, note the early wakeup which included coffee and tea, toast and jam, and cereal available before the first dive briefing, so "Breakfast" was a wonderful hot second breakfast with scrambled eggs or you could order eggs and omelettes the way you want them, wonderful oatmeal, sliced fruits, toast and jam:
Donna and I made the first dive of the day with Theia Dune on February 12. An excellent dive, some selected photos from the dive below, if you wish to see more, they are at: Here's our dive master Antoine giving us a briefing, starting with the Dhoni dive boat "Pelican" which came to Theia Dune at the end of each dive briefing and picked up those of us going on that dive (frequently some were missing from some of the dives each day...starting with me not diving at all on the 9th, the first day of diving), you can see the names of the divers and where each of their stations were on the Dhoni. We were broken into three teams with the three different dive masters. Below:
Here's Antoine's excellent slide for our dive at Kudahrah Thila, below:
Here's our Dhoni dive boat "Pelican" approaching to pick up divers, below:
Here's Donna at her station all ready to dive, below:
Below: A beautiful, well named, Orange Lined Triggerfish gets attention from a cleaner wrasse:
Beautiful school of Blue Striped Snapper with sea fans at one of the overhangs the site is known for, below:
Below: Donna coming through a passage with Blue Stripped Snapper
Donna found a cool Indian Cushion Sea Star, below:
A magnificent Ember Parrotfish, below:
Below: Donna with Bluestripped Snapper
Above: A beautiful Silvertip Shark Below: Napolean Wrasse
Below: Donna passing (obliviously despite my shouting!) over a magnificent Giant Moray with cleaner wrasse
Time to surface after our safety stop for pickup by Pelican, below:

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