Friday, February 28, 2025
Very good dives back at Faateyo,and Myaru Kandu, Post retirement dives 825 and 826 February 16, 2025
Here's Theia's schedule for February 16, our last day with three dives, the next to last diving day for our ten day trip. Below:
We conducted our second dive at Faateyo very differently because there was very little current. We formed up in a line and slowly swam back and forth across the entrance to the channel, hoping for visitors. We eventually had good visits from Silvertip Sharks and a distant visit from an Eagle Ray.
First, we formed up a "line", our Batfish escort was skeptical, below:
Suddenly a Silvertip shot up from the depths, heading straight up. Below:
Audry gets set as Silvertip Sharks start coming to us, below:
A sadly too distant passing Eagle Ray, below:
Jerry and I were first to get low on nitrox so he put up his SMB and Pelican approached to pick us up, below:
I love the way Manta Rays obviously enjoy basking in the bubbles that divers exhale. On this trip I was surprised to see Surgeonfish accompany us and obviously play in our bubbles. Below:
Our second dive of the day was Myaru Kandu, we had the best parade of Silvertip Sharks, Whitetipped Reef Sharks, Tuna, and Jacks of the trip. Below, Silvertip Sharks:
Whitetipped Reef Sharks, below:
Also, Silvertip and Whitetipped Reef Sharks, together! Below:
I was saddened to see this beautiful Silvertip Shark disastrously fouled, above:
Still more magnificent Silvertip Sharks, below:
Below: A Surgeonfish, a Jack, and a Silvertip Shark swam into a bar...
A pregnant Silvertip? Below:
A tuna, and then a Napoleon Wrasse, came by, below:
We then drifted up the channel. Below: I can't resist Anemones and Anemonefish, obviously.
Our dive master Antoine spotted a well camouflaged Scorpionfish that Audry and I photographed, below:
Time for getting picked up by Pelican from our second dive, below:
To see still more from this dive, please go to:
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Dives at Gaahuru Kandu, Fushi Kandu, and Fatteyo Post retirement dives 822, 23, 24 February 15, 2025
Theia's schedule for February 15, 2025, below:
Here's some photos I took of various small Atolls we were passing as we moved from dive site to dive site. Below:
Our first dive, at Gaahuru Kandu, had a light current and excellent visibility, was very relaxed, with lots of fish. Below:
Above: A passing Tuna
Below: A school of Bigeye Jacks
Yes, yes, I would say there was a plethora of fish. Below:
Below: White Tipped Reef Sharks and a Silvertip Shark
I was delighted to see several nice sized Four Saddle Grouper on this drift dive, below:
Batfish are known for their inquisitive nature, this one rose up to meet us as we descended toward the reef and was soon joined by others. Below:
A beautiful Emperor Angelfish, below:
Another Batfish welcomed me when I went in to explore a large cavern, above.
A large Stingray was peacefully napping at the back of the cavern, below:
Below: Another posing Batfish followed by Anthias
Below: A Black Triggerfish, I see lots of them but they're not very cooperative photo subjects.
Below: Silvertip Reef Shark
Did I mention, because we were frequently hooking off on the reef quite deep (except for diving the wrecks in Truk Lagoon in 1993 I spent more time below 90 ft on this trip than in all my diving the previous 58 years, combined), you need to both monitor your remaining air (nitrox) and your no decompression time on your dive computer. On this dive I paired up with one of our group because I was getting low on air and he simultaneously discovered, upon checking his dive computer, that he had exceeded his no decompression limits. We watched from below as the rest of our group completed their safety stop and were picked up by Pelican, below:
What ensued was a 15 minute drift dive for the two of us as he decompressed. The end of the final dive of the day and I was very much anticipating a cold brew upon returning to the ship. Below: Bart decompressing, me hanging out on the surface above floating on my snorkel.
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