Saturday, March 29, 2014

Finally, two days of diving on the Pinnacles, Carmel Bay, 2-24,25-2014

Greg Hoberg and I had two good days of diving on the Pinnacles this week.  There was a swell running so we chose the Pinnacles as the best combination of visibility and ability to get under the surge.  We had 30 ft visibility both days.  We saw Rizzo's dolphins near Pt Lobos on the 24th and saw a few gray whales on our way down and on our way back on the 25th.  On our second day of diving on the Pinnacles we anchored in a new part of the Pinnacles to the west and found great canyons (Pinnacles are known for them but this was better than usual) extending from about 40 ft down to past 100 ft (our maximum depth was around 80 ft or so).  Water temperature was a chilly 49 degrees.

The pictures from our dive can be seen at:

A couple pictures from our dive below:

 Greg gets a ling cod close up.  If you look at his wide angle lens you can see my strobe flash reflection.
 The ling cod soon lost patience with us.
We were periodically visited by a curious harbor seal through the entire dive.  He was shy though.

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