Monday, August 10, 2015

A good dive at Pescadero Point and fun with anchovy gorging Humpbacks at Cypress Point - above and below the water.

Greg Hoberg and I had two very good dives today.  The first was Pescadero Point, 25 ft visibility, 54 degree temperature.  Pescadero Point has very rich life and did not disappoint.  After our Pescadero Point dive we cruised out to Cypress Point and saw a large number of Humbacks feasting on millions of anchovies forced up to the surface and against the rocks just offshore and into the kelp beds.  The humpbacks were surface lunge feeding which is always awesome to watch.  After watching awhile we carefully picked a point at Cypress Point to anchor the boat and hang out and hope a humpback would come past.  One did, twice.  We were also entertained by dive bombing sea lions that were also feasting on anchovies.

 A beautifully colored lingcod.
 This Giant Green Anemone is eating a sea urchin.  At the left inner margin of the anemone's arms you can see a tiny juvenile painted greenling hiding for safety.
 A really cool camouflaged crab on the orange encrusting sponge.
 Greg cruises the top of a mini wall with a sitting black rockfish.
 Greg getting a cabezon picture.
 The cabezon finally lost patience with us.
If you look closely you can actually see this is a pair of crabs.  The second, smaller crab is upside down grasping the larger red rock crab.

To see more pictures from our Pescadero Point dive please go to:

 A surface lunge feeding humpback off Cypress Point.

Greg captured this great picture of a Humpback lunge feeding.  Check out the barnacles on his throat.
 Anchovies under Greg's boat after I splashed.
 We had a very convenient pinnacle to hang out on and watch the action come by.
 Looking toward the surface up our anchor line, surrounded by anchovies.
 We had lots of dive bombing visits from the sea lions joining the humpbacks in the anchovy massacre.
 Greg with a sea lion.
 Greg with another sea lion.

The humpback came by twice before the anchovies moved away from our pinnacle.  I managed to get one photo where you can see him.  Really cool.

To see more pictures from our Cypress Point fun with Humpbacks and dive please go to:

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