I finally got out for my first two dives of the year with Guy Foster and his daughter Tessa last Saturday on Beachhopper II. Our first dive was the deep reef off Hopkin's Marine Reserve, the depth ranged from 70 to 85 ft. The water was pretty green at the surface with about 15 ft of visibility but opened up nicely as we descended giving us 40 ft of visibility as we approached the bottom. I saw the two largest California Sheephead I've ever seen in Monterey but didn't get close enough for good photos. Below are some photos from the dive, to see the rest, go to:
I shot this photo of Beachhopper II as we were about to start our dive off Hopkin's.
Guy and Tessa descending through the green water as we started our dive, fortunately, it opened up nicely as we got deeper.
This site has lots of Metridium, aka Plumrose Anemones
Sheep Crab, aka Spider Crab, about 1.5 ft across.
One of the two large male California Sheephead I saw on this dive.
I followed Guy and Tessa back up the anchor line for a safety stop to end the dive.
Our second dive was nearly back to the Monterey Harbor's entrance, off McAbee Beach, a site called McAbee Pinnacle. Lots of fish on this site. I saw more California Sheephead, females, than I've ever seen in Monterey on any day of diving. I also saw two of the largest Calico (aka Kelp) Bass I've ever seen this far north, they were around 8 lbs. Visibility on this dive was around 20 ft, water temp was 51 degrees. Below are some photos from this dive, to see more, please go to: https://photos.app.goo.gl/oMtCc8PyLoGRJJVA8
Black and Yellow Rockfish and a White Spotted Rose Anemone
A Spiny Sea Star in the process of devouring a large Acorn Barnacle
Olive Rockfish
Female California Sheephead