Here's some pictures from our trip and the dive off the Butterfly House:
A sad, and smelly, sight, a dead Humpback about a half mile offshore. It may end up on Asilomar Beach.. Photo by Guy Foster.
Photo by Guy Foster
Butterfly House, Carmel Bay Photo by Guy Foster
China Rockfish, frequently shy, but this guy was pretty cooperative.
China Rockfish
A crabby crab, due to my strobe
Painted Greenling
Black Rockfish, comfortably ensconced.
Our second dive was back in Monterey Bay on Pacific Grove's Eric's Pinnacle, one of the top sites in Monterey Bay. We had less visibility on this dive, 15 ft at the surface with hordes of purple striped jellyfish and 20 ft at the bottom. Here is the link to pictures from this dive below are a few I put in the blog.
Eric's Pinnacle:
Brown Cup Coral, about 3/4 inches across
Juvenile Gopher Rockfish, about 3 inches long
Bluering Topsnail and Painted Greenling
Tough neighborhood, larger snail attacking small black one to its left
Sculpin, who knows what kind...
Bluering Topsnail and Strawberry Anemones
Surfacing through Jellyfish